Is Your Elevator Talk Upwardly Mobile?


By Rhonda Victoor

At every networking event we’re asked “what do you do?” Most of us answer with our job title.


Unless your title is “Polar Bear Rescuer” it won’t generate any discussion. When you answer with “I work in HR” others assume they know exactly what you do. And therefore don’t ask any clarifying questions.

The problem is they don’t know exactly what you do.

So how can you peak their interest without using a cheesy old elevator pitch?* You can tell a story. People listen to stories, remember stories, and see themselves in stories.

If you work in HR training, your answer to “what do you do?” might be:
Well, you know when someone is promoted into management, but they’re poor communicators? [pause] Well I train them to delegate in a clear and respectful way.

We all know a person like the one you’ve described. Your momentary ‘pause’ let’s us conjure up a mental picture. Then BOOM you share how you solve that problem. Now we really understand what you do and we have something in common to talk about. Bonus: this story also describes an ideal client, paving the way for easy referrals!

So what’s your story? What’s one problem you solve? For whom? Don’t try to cover all the roles you play in one opening line. Choose part of your job that’s interesting to you or the people you’re meeting. 

Use this formula, which I learned from Myrna Park, communications expert.  “Well you know when [insert the pain or problem that you solve here]. Well I [solve it in this way].” 

Stop right there. Resist the urge to tack on your job title at the end. They will ask for a title eventually but until then let them ask curious questions about what you actually do.

If you’re stuck, brainstorm with someone who really understands what you do and what you love.  Think of a great win. Think of an ideal client and how you helped them.

Replying “I’m in HR” isn’t good enough. Share your genuine story and start really connecting!

* An elevator pitch is a 30 second description of what you do. The phrase came from that chance meeting you have with someone on a short elevator ride. It’s meant to be concise and genuine, not cheesy.

Rhonda Victoor is an expert in the rituals of high performance. She coaches leaders and front line employees on these rituals and practices them herself. In fact, with these rituals she became the World Effective Speaking Champion after winning competitions in Ecuador (while pregnant) and Japan (two weeks after giving birth to her first child). You should also know she’s a rookie hip hop dancer and die-hard Yoda fan. Watch her in action at

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