Championing Canada’s 2011 Census: Metrics Matter


Keeping an eye on population trends for workplace planning? Encourage employees to comply with Canada’s 2011 Census.

Early in May, yellow census packages will be delivered to every dwelling in Canada, providing residents the information they need to complete the census online or on paper. Completed questionnaires will provide valuable information that will be used by all levels of government to make decisions about your neighbourhood and community.

Every person, young and old, must be included in the 2011 Census. Canadian businesses can support the census by making clients and employees aware that they must complete their census questionnaire. For more information about the 2011 Census, visit

National Household Survey
In addition to the 2011 Census, one in three households will be asked to participate in the new National Household Survey (NHS). The information collected in the NHS will provide data needed to plan and support family services, housing, roads and public transportation, and skills training for employment.

Your information will help paint a detailed and comprehensive picture of Canada. The NHS will collect the same information that was collected by the 2006 Census long-form questionnaire. For information to be available for future planning and decision making, it is important that all residents who receive the NHS complete the questionnaire.

 The 2006 long-form questionnaire offers some interesting facts about working in Canada:

  • Among the 25 municipalities with the most workers in Canada, the three with the largest increase in the number of workers were Vaughan (+22.2%), Surrey (+17.0%) and Laval (+15.8%).
  • Between 2001 and 2006, total employment in Canada increased at an annual average rate of 1.7%, the fastest rate increase among the Group of Seven (G7) nations.
  • The median age of the labour force surpassed 40 years for the first time, rising from 39.5 years in 2001 to 41.2 years in 2006. The median is the point where half are older and half are younger.

For more information about the NHS, visit

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