Driving Meaningful Difference with CPHR BC & Yukon Board Member Sheri Hamilton

Sheri Hamilton, CPHR was elected by the CPHR BC & Yukon membership to join the Board of Directors in June. She is an award-winning...

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Accessibility Makes Dollars and Sense

It’s time for businesses to stop looking at accessibility as the nice thing to do and focus on why it’s the financially smart thing...

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HR ‘Flourishes’, at the 2024 HR Conference & Expo

2024 marked the 61st year of CPHR BC & Yukon’s annual HR Conference and Expo. Appropriately themed “Flourish”, this year’s event lived up it...

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Striking a Balance: The Role of AI and the Human Touch in Outplacement

In today's dynamic job market, Career Transition support (or Outplacement, as it’s often called) has become increasingly vital for organizations and individuals alike. As...

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Understanding The Humans In Your Organization

One of the most important things to understand in management is that what people say about their motivation is only half true. They say...

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Making a Case to Management: Why Building a Culture of Wellness is a Win-Win for Employees and Employers

HR professionals do their best as facilitators in helping employers realize the importance of addressing employees’ mental and physical health issues arising from the...

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The Emotionally Strong Leader: Transforming Leadership from Within

In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership, one enduring trait stands out: emotional intelligence. It is the cornerstone that enables leaders to navigate the intricate...

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Unlocking the Full Potential of Employee Surveys: Common Mistakes You Might Be Making

Picture it — you’ve just gotten your coffee, plopped down into your office chair, and you’re ready to work for the day as the...

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