ESG Investments: The Right Way to Update Your Employee Retirement Plan

The last year or two has been marked by rising inflation and geopolitical unrest. In times of strain, investors are often clearer in their...

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What the heck is going on with AI and HR?

Most HR professionals have at least toyed with ChatGPT. Are you among those who use it regularly or do you only occasionally call it...

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Striking a Balance: The Role of AI and the Human Touch in Outplacement

In today's dynamic job market, Career Transition support (or Outplacement, as it’s often called) has become increasingly vital for organizations and individuals alike. As...

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A Fresh Perspective from Mintzberg

Since 1973, with his ground-breaking "The Nature of Managerial Work", Henry Mintzberg has been a refreshing force in understanding management and organizations. His unique...

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The End of Personality Assessments?

Personality assessments have had a long and important role in the history of psychology. However, new machine-learning tools may make the assessments obsolete. We...

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Embracing Generative AI: How HR Can Help Employees Harness Its Power

The new generative AIs (e.g., ChatGPT) can be perplexing due to their surprising capabilities. It's natural to react with extreme views, such as fearing...

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Work Meaningfully: A Strong Message That Connected With People At The 60th HR Conference & Expo

More than 1200 participants descended into the Vancouver Convention Centre West in downtown Vancouver for CPHR BC & Yukon’s second true hybrid conference with...

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Beyond GPT-4: The implications of AI evolution on HR

Microsoft's recent launch of Co-Pilot, an AI-powered tool designed to assist software developers, highlights the transformative potential of AI in the workplace. Co-Pilot is...

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