HR ‘Flourishes’, at the 2024 HR Conference & Expo

2024 marked the 61st year of CPHR BC & Yukon’s annual HR Conference and Expo. Appropriately themed “Flourish”, this year’s event lived up it...

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Making a Case to Management: Why Building a Culture of Wellness is a Win-Win for Employees and Employers

HR professionals do their best as facilitators in helping employers realize the importance of addressing employees’ mental and physical health issues arising from the...

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The Emotionally Strong Leader: Transforming Leadership from Within

In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership, one enduring trait stands out: emotional intelligence. It is the cornerstone that enables leaders to navigate the intricate...

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It’s About Bloom, Not Balance

Numerous factors in our lives and careers are crucial in shaping our journey toward quality and fulfillment. My exploration into these aspects, through global...

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Trust Me: You’ll Want to Read this Article About Trust at Work

There are questions in all facets of business that are difficult to answer, some that are easy to answer, and some that are really,...

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Navigating AI in the Workplace: Policy-Drafting for the Inevitable

The last twelve months will almost certainly mark the point at which Artificial Intelligence (AI) has truly captured the attention of the public in...

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Understanding Jobseeker Psychology in Salary Negotiations

“The candidate accepted our offer!” This is the good news we all want to hear in our roles as HR and hiring managers. However, with...

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Harnessing the Power of LinkedIn: A Must for HR Professionals

In the dynamic world of Human Resources, staying ahead of the curve isn't just recommended, it's essential. As we lean into using digital tools...

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