How HR Can Set the Tone for the Best Possible Employee Onboarding Experience


No one is a stranger to nerves on their first day of their new job. Some might feel it a tad bit, while others may experience a wave of intense emotion and concern.

HR professionals might not necessarily have the ability to control anyone’s feelings on starting a new path in their career, but they can certainly ease the jitters by creating an onboarding experience that makes new employees feel welcome to the team, comfortable to bring their ideas to life with new people, and have an unforgettable employee experience that makes them proud to be a part of the organization.

It’s more than just company swag

Company sweatshirts and water bottles can surely get a new employee’s excitement flowing.

After all, getting gifts on a Monday morning is a wonderful way to start the week. But if nothing meaningful follows that, the experience might start to get a little stagnant, and your new employee will begin to feel a little lost trying to acclimate to their new surroundings without thoroughly planned, substantial support. 

At The Start

An employee’s first days should be not only exciting, but informative. A great item to check off your HR to-do list is to get on the same page about their role’s objectives. This is where you can go into further detail about their role and any targets they should aim to reach for themselves, but helping them realize it from a team member perspective rather than a candidate one.

Make sure to place emphasis on what is important to the organization, and what makes it thrive when everyone contributes the right way. For instance, you can show the new employee the usual ways the team is productive, how it prioritizes tasks, and effectively communicates. It may seem like generic things , but it can tremendously help them understand the company dynamics and team workflows, which can effectively guide them to success in their onboarding.

A few suggestions for successful onboarding include:

  • Highlighting strengths from the get-go
  • Everyone needs a little boost from time to time.
  • You hired your new employee for a reason, and it’s because you know their strengths and experience are in line with the role they are going to fill.

But What If There’s More To It? 

Getting to know your employees in a deeper manner can really help with their onboarding process, as it helps you to understand what it is that they will need to thrive in their role. Using a reliable and science-backed psychometric assessment can do the trick. Having a breakdown of a new employee’s natural behavioral preferences can help HR see exactly where they will thrive.

This will not only help you understand the employee better, but this will also help said employee in knowing more about themselves. By default, the new employee is eager to come to work and put their strengths to the test, feeling confident in their role  and driving results for the organization they are thrilled to be a part of.

With HR putting emphasis on employee self-awareness, not only are you increasing the onboarding experience you’re enabling,  but you are also creating an engaging and positive company culture in the process, making people feel right at home in both the role and organization they are in. Knowing the behaviors that are important to the company and what it aspires to be, as well as the actual behaviors that represent the current company culture, elevates the possibility for a more accurate and personalized employee onboarding experience.

Getting Techy With It

The digital world is only expanding.

Incorporating tech and welcoming a digital transformation into your practices can catapult them to new heights, steadily increasing your success in HR management and benefitting employees in the process.

Now that we’re at a place in the corporate world where work can be conducted both from home and from the office, it can be a challenge for HR professionals to make sure employees are happy and thriving. That’s why it’s important to reflect on what sort of software your organization needs to keep up with your employees, but also helps ensure your company culture remains intact or developing positively, even with a hybrid-work system going.

Technology in the workplace can be an incredible tool that can benefit the entire company and make the employee onboarding process easier. A proper tech integration could simply mean choosing an effective communication platform that brings your employees together by facilitating team meetings, easily coaching employees through challenges, and having access to work for collaboration and feedback.

New employees, especially those who work remotely, should never feel like they will struggle learning new things during their onboarding simply because they are not in office. The best solution to this is to pair effective HR and onboarding practices with a user-friendly and secure digital platform you can trust.

If you’re ready to create a winning employee onboarding strategy, as well as make confident talent management and HR decisions to better your organization, request a demo with one of our team members today!



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