People & Perspectives: How Important is it That Your Corporate Values Align with your Employees’ Personal Values?


In every issue of PeopleTalk magazine, we ask CPHR BC & Yukon members from all across B.C. and the Yukon a question and get them to give us a brief answer. 

Today’s question: How important is it that your corporate values align with your employees’ personal values?

Here are two insights from our members.

Director of People & Culture
Vancouver, B.C.

As Individuals, our core values influence a lot of our lives’ aspects and decision making. The rise in technology has created a “global village” where we are presented with more opportunities to work with teams who reflect our values.

I strongly believe that teams who invest time in developing core values and authentically implement them on a day-to-day basis have a higher chance of attracting and retaining desired talent.

The ability to attract and retain top talent is what makes or breaks a business. There is a direct correlation between those who are at the forefront translating an organization’s visions into reality, and a common understanding of what the business stands for. Core values are the glue that holds it all together.

Since March of 2020, the importance of “corporate–employee” values alignment has become more evident. Our core values as businesses and individuals are what brings us closer and helps us be a part of our national and international communities.


Human Resource Generalist
National Seating & Mobility Ltd.
Vancouver, B.C.

Every individual has a different perspective on values, and every corporate value is a guide to help them choose their path to success. It is essential that an employee feels that their personal values align with that of the company they work for. At National Seating & Mobility Ltd., we focus on our HEARTS culture (Honour, Excellence, Accountability, Respect, Teamwork, Service), and I follow it through and through, not only in my professional life but also personally. This encourages our employees to work together in tandem towards a collective goal. It has always encouraged everyone to think from each other’s shoes and provided the transparency to express their opinions honestly by nurturing them in a safe and comfortable environment.

The priority is always the same; if we want our employees to give their 100 percent, we as a firm need to take measures to help gain their trust in the system. Once that’s in place, each employee will not only be loyal to the cause but also highly dedicated to their task at hand.


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