The Impact of Forced Layoffs

Research Briefings are a service from BC HRMA’s research group. The aim is to make it easier and quicker for HR professionals to find...

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The Upside of Downsizing Done Right

By Peter Tingling, PhD We all know that one of the most important managerial functions is hiring. Who we hire not only has a direct...

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Cutting Costs? Make Your Changes Stick

By Helen Luketic, CHRP   On February 13th, Business Week posted an online news story about The Secret to Making Cost Savings Stick.  Results from a...

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Layoffs — Avoid Adding Insult to Injury

By Joseph Grenny   I’ll never forget a dear friend describing what it was like to have security guards show up unannounced to his office and...

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Layoffs: Burning the Furniture to Warm the House

Greg Ford In the recruitment industry, we are constantly talking to senior executives, and lately there is no hotter topic than the economy – and...

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Laying Off Staff? Please, Don’t Shoot Yourself in the Foot

By Helen Luketic, CHRP   You’ve all heard the rhetoric before of various ways to make your workforce lean in these tough times:  natural attrition, wage...

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Downsizing — Exiting Employees with Dignity

By Sandra Reder   In today’s economy, many companies are being faced with the very real possibility that they may have to downsize their workforce.   Not only...

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