What’s In It For Me? Caring at the Core of Employee’s Experience in the Workplace

At a HR conference in Saskatchewan this past year, keynote speaker Ryan Estis’ message had a profound impact on me — an Oprah “aha”...

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Getting Beyond Measure (as the Only Measure)

By Kristin Zehnder, CPHR Have you ever been in a position where you are giving a performance review to an individual who seems distracted? You...

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The ABCs of Disruptive Communication: From Mission Statement to Mantra

By Kristin Zehnder, CHRP Picture the following. It’s Monday morning and Sally is eager to begin her week by leading a team meeting to refresh the...

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Don’t Shoot the Messenger: The Art of Effective Feedback

By Kristin Zehnder, CHRP As anyone who has ever prefaced a conversation with the words “Don’t shoot the messenger” knows, the outcome of such conversations...

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