What Are The 7P’s Of The Recruitment Marketing Mix?


One of the best tools I found for the analysis of an organization’s recruitment process entails the use of the 7p’s of the recruitment marketing mix analysis. This analysis includes the basic 4p’s analysis (product, price, place and promotion) as taught in introductory marketing courses for the analysis of ones target market; however, the same tool can be leveraged by recruiters to better understand their overall recruitment strategy.

The first time I learned of this tool was in my HRMT 3135 course at Kwantlen Polytechnic University as taught by professor Duane Radcliffe. Ever since then, I have used this tool for my own workplace and non-disclosure agreement clients whom I have consulted in the past. It’s really difficult to find clarity on this tool online, hence I tried to give as much detail as possible based upon my own understanding of the tool.

The 7P’s of the Recruitment Marketing Mix are as follows:

  1. Product: Job analysis and organizational analysis.
  2. Price: Organizations compensation strategy and market analysis.
  3. Promotion: Recruitment channels.
  4. Place: Details of the job location and recruitment channels.
  5. Physical Environment: Working conditions and organizational climate.
  6. Process: Recruitment method (internal and/or external), stakeholders involved, time requirements, systems used (such as an ATS System), and selection channels.
  7. People: Job analysis and market analysis.


The job represents the product/service sold to the candidate” (Sofica, & Cosma, 2018, p. 13). The product requires the need to have a good analysis of the value that a job candidate will receive from the job. In other words, what makes this job “attractive” when compared to that of the competitors? (Sofica, & Cosma, 2018, p. 13). It’s important to have a good understanding of the decision-making power, internal climate, degree of challenge that is derived from the performance of the duties. For additional analysis, it can include aspects of “skill variety,” “task identity,” “task significance” and “autonomy” (Lunenburg, 2011, p. 2-3).


The pricing strategy focuses on the compensation packages offered by ones organization as a means of attracting talent to the organization. This includes facets of the direct benefits (including base wages), signing bonuses and indirect benefits. It’s important for the compensation package which is offered to job candidates to be attractive and fair (distributive[1] and procedural justice[2]) (Long, & Singh, 2018, p. 63). One way of doing this would be through the use of a market research as it pertains to comparable firms and jobs.

Nevertheless, it’s crucial for recruiters to have a good understanding of how much the organization can and is able to offer job applicants for their accumulation of education, skills, abilities and experience as required by the role in question. Moreover, the compensation package may be set based upon any collective agreement in place between an applicable organization and its respective union.


Promotion entails the implementation of a mix of strategies that are designed to make the applicant population become aware of the job opening. This includes both internal and external channels. The goal is to derive an applicant pool who have applied for a particular job from the overall applicant population. However, this does not mean that the specific promotional channels are effective in narrowing down the best candidates/right fit for the jobs, rather it simply indicates that the promotional channels used are showcasing the job to people (whether they be the right fit or not). Further analysis will be required via the analysis of specific recruitment metrics.


In terms of the place, its important to really understand key details regarding as to where the job will be located and the recruitment channels to be used.

First, place includes elements of job design as “the place represents the real or virtual space where the company promotes the job and potential employees decide to follow the job offer” (Sofica, & Cosma, 2018, p. 18). Second, place includes details of the different types of recruitment channels (internal and/or external). On the other hand, some of the key details presented in this analysis include the costs, time requirements, when (job will start and postings will be posted), and where (location and which recruitment channels are to be used).

Nevertheless, it’s important for organizations to select, and analyze key recruitment metrics to ensure that the recruitment channels selected are effective (for example: sourcing and channel effectiveness metric).

Physical Environment

The physical environment can create a lasting imprint in the minds of prospective employees which may impact their opinion of the organization. Different environments can lead to many different perceptions that one may have depending on how the workplace is structured. For example, depending upon the observer, a cubical-related office space may be seen as being more confined or controlled; whereas, an open space may be seen as being less restrictive, yet low in personal space. Similarly, different opinions can be made based on whether the work must be performed indoors vs. outdoors; in-person vs. remote; innovative/trendy vs. traditional and etc.

This is not to say that one or the other is good or bad, rather it’s crucial to be open and honest with job candidates about the working conditions at the respective organization. Regardless, of the type of working condition, it’s crucial that the safety needs of job candidates be respected and assured by the organization.


Process includes elements such as the method of recruitment or the recruitment channels to be used (internal and/or external), clarity on who is to be involved (i.e. stakeholder roles), the steps needed to be taken, any systems to be used to filter/screen resumes, who will conduct the interviews and any additional steps that need to be taken (i.e. specialized internal processes for applicable industries).


People involves facets of strategic workforce planning. As organizations need to have a really good understanding of the target market (prospective job candidates), the geographical areas where they can be located, educational programs offered in the area and the appropriate recruitment channels to be used to attract such talent. Having a really good understanding of the target market will help ensure that capital spent on the promotional of jobs is not being wasted. For example, job advertisements in Price Rupert will not be applicable for job candidates in the city of Langley, BC who must perform in-person work.

Nevertheless, it’s vital for recruiters to avoid any potential for discrimination as they narrow down the respective target market (i.e. ideal job candidate).


Long, R. J. & Singh, P. (2018). Strategic Compensation in Canada (6th ed.). Toronto, ON: Thompson Nelson Canada Limited.

Lunenburg, F. C. (2011). Motivating by enriching jobs to make them more interesting and challenging. International Journal of Management, Business, and Administration, 15(1), 1-11. http://www.nationalforum.com/Electronic%20Journal%20Volumes/Lunenburg,%20Fred%20C%20Motivating%20by%20Enriching%20Jobs%20IJMBA%20V15%20N1%202011.pdf

Sofica, A., & Cosma, S. (2018). Extended marketing mix (7ps) and HRM recruiting. How to sell a job. STUDIA UBB NEGOTIA, 5-26. http://studia.ubbcluj.ro/arhiva/abstract.php?editie=NEGOTIA&nr=3&an=2018&id_art=16530

  • [1] Distributive justice refers to “the perception that overall reward outcomes are fair” (Long, & Singh, 2018, p. 63).
  • [2] Procedural justice refers to “the perception that the process for reward determination is fair” (Long, & Singh, 2018, p. 63).


Monty Puaar has two degrees in HRM those being a (1) Masters of Science in Human Resource Management from Northeastern University and (2) Bachelors of Business Administration in Human Resource Management from Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Additionally, Monty serves as an HR Consultant on behalf of Green Leaf Security for some of the company’s NDA consulting clients. Puaar will be speaking at the HR Conference & Expo in Vancouver on May 2-3, 2023 and virtually, May 11-12, 2023. 

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