5 Thoughts On HR & Business With One Of Canada’s Most Creative People Ron Tite


When you’re named one of Canada’s most creative people, you find different, more innovative ways to do things.

So when we asked Ron Tite, keynote speaker at the upcoming HR Conference + Tradeshow in Vancouver, B.C., to answer a few questions via email for a Q & A feature, we should have known his responses would have been a little bit different from our other keynote speakers.

Rather then spell out his answers, Ron took the time to answer the following questions via video:

  1. Why are the three words, “THINK, DO, SAY” so integral to how organizations communicate and market their brand or product?
  2. What is the “integrity gap” and how has it widened for many in the modern era?
  3. How can HR professionals help organizations surpass that integrity gap?
  4. How has the online realm changed the world of recruiting for organizations and job seekers?
  5. How can greater diversity within a workplace help create greater organizational alignment?

Thank you very much Ron for putting this together and sharing your insights on leadership, brand management, business and HR with our audience.

Watch the video below to hear Ron’s answers.



Relevant, engaging, and interactive, Ron Tite exceeds expectations each and every time he takes the stage. Named one of the “Top 10 Creative Canadians” by Marketing Magazine, he’s been an award-winning advertising writer and creative director for some of the world’s most respected brands, including Air France, Evian, Hershey, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft, Intel, Microsoft, and Volvo. Addressing a variety of topics surrounding branding, corporate strategy, creativity, content, and social media, Tite’s presentations are not only information-packed, they’re also infused with his unique humour–guaranteed to have you laughing while you learn.

Currently, Tite is Founder and CEO of Church & State, a content marketing agency based in Toronto. His work has been recognized by The London International Advertising Awards, The New York Festivals of Advertising, The Crystals, The Extras, The Canadian Marketing Association, and The Marketing Awards, to name just a few.

Tite is also executive producer and host of the Canadian Comedy Award-winning show Monkey Toast, and publisher of the award-winning and bestselling humour book, This is That Travel Guide to Canada, with CBC Radio’s hit show, This is That. He has written for a number of other television series, penned a children’s book, and wrote, performed, and produced the play, The Canadian Baby Bonus.

READ MORE about Ron’s keynote speech: THINK. DO. SAY. A Guide for Personal and Corporate Success in a Busy, Busy World

READ MORE about Ron’s breakout presentation: The Coup: How to Lead and Create Disruption Within Organizations and Industries

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