By Vincent Chow and Peter Saulnier, CPHR
It’s that time of year again, and it’s one that many HR practitioners dread—time to start thinking about...
By Kevin Hawryluk
Most of us don’t need a hot tub time machine to recall the mid-80s: strolling down the street in acid-washed jeans, listening...
Melissa Anderson
HR leader,
Abebooks, an Amazon Company
Melissa Anderson, MBA, CHRP, is a strategic HR business partner and talent management leader who recently joined AbeBooks....
By Jock Finlayson
Amid a weak global economy and an extended downturn in many commodity markets, the B.C. economy has held up surprisingly well. Two...
By Jock Finlayson
In the last issue of PeopleTalk, I provided an overview of the B.C. government’s 2024 Labour Market Outlook. The report presents an...
By Peter Saulnier
Numerous surveys of CEOs show that they believe the quality of their leadership talent is a key factor to determining their fate. ...
By Jock Finlayson
The B.C. government recently published new projections for labour demand and supply encompassing the next ten years. Overall, the new labour market...
By Christian Codrington, CHRP
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development broadly defines non-formal education as an “organized and sustained educational activity” that can “take...