On the Move with Momentum


By Holly MacDonald

Ask the Canucks what momentum means right now, and it may well be the secret, undefineable ingredient of their success (fingers crossed).  Ask me, as a blogger, and I’ll tell you that it can be an issue for those of us who don’t make millions skating after a puck!

Momentum is a funny thing. Sometimes you get into the flow or groove of things and swim right along.  Other times, everything seems like hard work.  Even the things you are good at.  Blogging, unlike hockey playoffs, does require something to say.  No one is going to show up day after day to read variations of the same blog post the way they would for a hockey game.  Without something new to say, it’s almost better to not say it.

As I thought about my lack of blogging here and reflected on the painful experience of watching the playoffs, I remembered one of my favorite videos from TED: http://www.ted.com/talks/derek_sivers_how_to_start_a_movement.html

See what he says about the first follower…

Lots of interesting lessons in there, which ones jumped out at you?

Holly MacDonald is an independent consultant with well over 15 years of experience in the learning & development field.  Holly is a bit of a techno-geek and can often be found playing online.  When she steps away from her computer, she spends time outside: hiking, kayaking, gardening and of course walking the dog.  She lives on Saltspring Island and is a leader in the live/work revolution.

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