How Do You Ensure Employees Feel Like They Belong?

In every issue of PeopleTalk magazine, we ask CPHR BC & Yukon members from all across B.C. and the Yukon a question and get...

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Growing A New Era of Indigenous Inclusion

The recent discovery of 215 childrens’ graves at the former site of the Kamloops, B.C. Indian Residential School, located on the traditional territory of...

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Diversity And Inclusion: The Black Lives Matter Movement In HR And Recruitment

Spring 2020 saw the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, not just in the United States, but all around the world. In Canada, we...

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More Walk Than Talk Needed For Diversity With Inclusion In The Workplace

Business leaders have been speaking out in support of addressing racism in the wake of Black Lives Matter demonstrations that have been occurring across...

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Why Companies Should Embrace All Forms Of Diversity

For today’s companies, innovation and diversity are inseparable. There is no bigger obstacle to the introduction and refinement of new ideas than groupthink, which...

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Insight Into Indigenous Inclusion At Work: A Conversation With Bob Joseph

Inclusion.  We’ve all read about it in textbooks, scholarly articles and talked about it at conferences. But what does the word really mean?  PeoplaTalk caught up...

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Diversity and Mindfulness Go Hand-in-Hand

In recent years, the Canadian workforce has seen a rise in the share of immigrant workers from different parts of the world in various...

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Addressing Diversity and Inclusivity in the Workplace Webinar Recap

Addressing Diversity and Inclusivity in the Workplace Webinar Recap   “We don’t have to pretend as though we are not trying to do something brand...

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