Artificial Intelligence at Work Webinar

Artificial Intelligence at Work Join us for the third “This is HR” webinar series by CPHR Canada with keynote speaker Alex Benay and host Richard...

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The 3 Key Generators of Stress & Anxiety, and Tools to Combat Them

Get this. Stress isn’t something forced upon you, or inevitably ‘created’ by external conditions. You create your stress by how you choose to react to...

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A Study of Inclusion Through Workplace Play: Kambo Energy Group

Have you ever looked at a colleague who is “having too much fun” at work and caught yourself thinking, are they really working? How productive...

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High Demand for Bite-sized Learning in the Modern Day Workplace

Disruptive change from new technologies has become the norm for today’s organizations. Skills are becoming obsolete at an accelerating rate and the days of traditional,...

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Gamification: Are You Upwardly Mobile?

Regardless of where you stand in the stream, technology pervades the world around you, as well as the business you do. Many of you are...

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Talent Wanted: It Pays to Play in the Workplace

Outside of sports fields, concert venues and the stage, “playing” for pay has not been included in the context of more traditional work spaces...

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Top Five Leadership Trends

Leaders need to stay on top of the current trends influencing their industry and their employees to stay ahead of the game. As the...

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People & Perspectives: How have you brought play to the workplace?

In every issue of PeopleTalk magazine, we ask CPHR BC & Yukon members from all across B.C. and the Yukon a question and get...

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