Big Donation to KPU’s Melville School of Business Will Help HR Students Gain Experience

Third place. Not bad for her debut at HRC West, a human resources business case competition for western Canada that took place in 2019,...

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How The Great Resignation Will Lead to the Great Culture Revolution

*Editorial Note- This article is sponsored  If you haven’t heard the term Great Resignation yet, you soon will. The Great Resignation is not a future...

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More Than 700 People Gather Online For The Upside Of People, HR Conference & Expo

One thread of learning wove its way throughout many of the sessions over the two days of the Upside of People, HR Conference &...

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What’s In Store For The Upside Of People, HR Conference & Expo?

Ahead of the Upside of People, HR Conference & Expo on Sept. 27-28, 2021, PeopleTalk caught up with Dawn Bergot, 2021 Conference Advisory Committee...

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New Prerequisites Required to Write the NKE Exam in 2021

*Article updated on January 8, 2021 Building from the results of the 2013 Professional Practice Analysis, CPHR Canada has been working collaboratively with the other...

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Recognizing A Trend And Taking Action: The Consultant Directory

In recent years, CPHR BC & Yukon has seen an increase in the number of members working as independent HR consultants. This can be attributed...

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Celebrating Pride and the HR Professionals Who’ve Made an Impact

In honour of Pride week in Vancouver  — July 27-August 2, 2020 — CPHR BC & Yukon would like to take the opportunity to...

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Cy Wakeman: Lose the Drama, Invest in Yourself

Drama. It’s part of our lives whether we like it or not. Or is it? Cy Wakeman, a self-described “drama researcher” has been studying and talking...

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