Hide Your Goat – How To Stay Positive When Negativity Surrounds You


No one is immune to feeling negative.

The infection can spread quickly and those who discharge the poisonous toxin are masquerading as co-workers, family, friends and people we encounter in our daily lives.

They believe, that if they are unhappy, then why not share the feeling? They are elusive, prefer not to march alone and affect every institution of society. They hunt down upbeat people and without regard, challenge their outlook and question their position on everything positive.

They cost plenty in terms of productivity and morale and make life tough for everyone.

They delight in getting your goat!

For the most part, these “goat hunters” are self-doubting, insincere, and in a lot of cases, not even aware of whom they really are. Worse yet, they don’t realize the unconstructive impact of their behavior and how other people truly perceive them. The people, who accept their behavior, are more often than not, a reflection of themselves.

Add to that the workplace challenges including communication, staying engaged, bad attitudes, dealing with change, and difficult customers, and you have a culture of turbulence.

So how do you survive all this negativity? As best-selling author and Hall of Fame speaker Steve Gilliland suggests, Hide Your Goat!

Steve Gilliland will be speaking at the 2019 HR Conference + Tradeshow, in Vancouver B.C., April 2 & 3rd. Click to register.

But where do you hide your goat? It all depends on what you believe gets your goat, or shall I say, who or what pushes your buttons the wrong way. You are the person who chooses every day how you will respond to people and surroundings. You are the person who either has enough self-esteem to accept what life throws at you, or the person who feels the need to retaliate.

Have you ever been wronged? Have there been times when you haven’t gotten everything you deserved? Do you spend your time and energy on what should have been or are you going to focus on what can be? Don’t allow destructive emotions to consume your energy, turn you negative and give people permission to get your goat.

As you look backward, trying to right your wrongs, you become resentful, angry, intolerable and bitter. Instead of worrying about someone ever making it right, refocus yourself so you can move forward. If you are holding on to past hurts and pains, let go. If someone can’t treat you right, love you back and see your worth, let go. If someone has angered you, let go. If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge, let go.. If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better, let go. If the approval you are seeking from family, friends or co-workers isn’t happening, let go.

The mastery of life is the mastery of self. We all have our hot buttons that, when pushed, can cause us to emotionally detonate. However, people can only ruin our day if we give them permission. Every mistake, broken promise and slip-up, can develop a paralyzing grip. Stop wasting priceless hours envisioning revenge toward an uncaring person. Resentment is about another person who seldom gives thought to their offense. Remove all the resentment, jealousies, self-centeredness and just let go.

People for the most part seek to be liked and accepted. While they may say one thing, their actions do not match their “so called” beliefs. It would explain why some people spend money they don’t have, to purchase things they don’t need, to impress people they don’t even like. Growing up we were challenged with fitting in, and years later we are still seeking the approval of our co-workers, families and friends. Pessimism, cynicism, and distrust are byproducts of trying to fit in.

Surviving the negativity that surrounds you isn’t as much about the people who are detrimental and trying to get your goat, as it is about you. Until you are able to be confident in your own thinking, you will forever fall prey to the people who find your goat and attempt to ride it. It’s time to herd your goat by letting go of your former transgressions. Feed your goat the right substance by recalling that your mind will give exactly what you put in it. It is time to exercise your goat and stop giving people permission to ruin your day.

It is time to Hide Your Goat™!

Here’s a look at Gilliland speaking at a SHRM event a few years back.



Steve Gilliland is North America’s Most Award-Winning Speaker. He is a member of the esteemed Speaker Hall of Fame and was named author of the year for his book Hide Your Goat. He was recognized as one of the top 10 motivational speakers in 2015. For more information about Steve visit his website at www.stevegilliland.com.

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