Successfully Leading a Diverse Workforce


By Gobinder Gill

In the past, the North American workplace was quite homogeneous. Workers, for the most part, knew the unwritten rules about what was expected and how things were done. Today’s workforce, however, includes employees from various backgrounds who bring with them different workplace perspectives, preferences and expectations. The rules can no longer remain unwritten.

Managers must set the example for their employees. They will need to create an inclusive environment in which all employees understand value and respect each other’s differences and similarities. It is an amazing time! Currently there are five different groups working side-by-side:

  1. Most Experienced – born before 1946
  2. Baby Boomers – born between 1946 and 1964
  3. X-Generation – born between 1966 – 1977
  4. 20–somethings and younger
  5. In addition, a multicultural diverse workforce (gays, lesbians and variety of ethnicities)

Managers are the leaders of any organization. They are the ones that set the bar and the follow up by walking the talk, so to speak.

Step One- Obtaining Commitment from Managers and Company Leaders
Without any concrete commitment from company leaders and managers, diversity initiatives will not succeed. Leaders and managers must be on board and held accountable for creating an environment that includes everyone and understands the value of diversity.

Step Two – Assessing and Evaluating Your Current Workplace Environment
Before goals can be set and initiatives implemented, it is important for leaders and managers to have a realistic assessment of the current workplace environment. This means knowing:

  • What structures are in place to support diversity management?
  • What challenges or obstacles need to be overcome?
  • How is diversity presently incorporated into the company’s vision and mission statement?
  • What diversity training is currently available and how is it working?
  • What diversity awards and incentives are in place right now?

Step Three – Training and Education
Training and education are a continuous process. With many companies, training and education are a necessity after a sexual harassment or a discrimination suit. They are a reaction rather than a standing policy of diversity and acceptance. This is a costly, detrimental and backwards way to conduct business.

Astute mangers and leaders understand the value of honest discussion, training and education as part of a corporate policy. They also regularly assess employee strengths and weakness, provide training and education to fill in the gap and recruit employees to complement and further establish supportive workforce.

Step Four – Creating a Supportive Work Environment
A supportive work environment means:

  • Supporting job applicants with disabilities
  • Ensuring that all receive a safe and productive work environment
  • Providing  a flexible and supportive work environment
  • Implementing effective rewards and recognition systems
  • Implementing and supporting quality of work life programs like:
    • Alternative works schedules
    • Respect religious holidays (regardless of the religion)
    • Dependent care support programs

Step Five – Sustaining the Commitment
Sustainability as it relatives to a diverse workforce can be accomplished by:

  • Monitoring results
  • Holding people at all levels accountable
  • Celebrating success
  • Continuing to set new diversity goals and implementing strategies to achieve them.

Managers have a difficult and important role to play in the changing times ahead, especially when one out three of the new jobs will need to be filled by immigrants because of looming labour shortages due to low birth rates and baby boomers beginning to retire. They must be the leaders while at the same time they have their own biases, stereotypes, preconceptions and need to balance.

Mangers are in a position to change the face of their corporation to position the company for tremendous growth, create a competitive advantage and provide the potential for global growth.

Gobinder Gill is a speaker and the author of Achieving Prosperity through Diversity — the #1 Best Seller on Amazon. He provides diversity training and can be reached at  or

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