By Nilesh Bhagat, CHRP
Though the new connected world we live in has many benefits, it is not without its challenges. Despite the fact that...
By Nilesh Bhagat, CHRP
Imagine this: you wake up one morning, tap on your iPad and navigate to your favorite news feed and find this...
By Nilesh Bhagat, CHRP
HR is and has always been considered the discipline of people practices. If you’re in HR, you are practicing implementing systems...
By Krysty Wideen
I saw this post on Renegade HR and couldn't help but pass it along. It's an advertisement for an iPad app called...
By Lynda Zugec
What is your company’s biggest asset? What is the most important driver of future success? It’s the people. Recognizing how to best...
It's a simple, real-world fact. A fact most people still do not "get." Today, most people lose their job not because they messed up...
By Aman S. Dhesi
Communications skills are invaluable. They provide that all important ingredient that separates the leaders that can inspire and motivate from those...
“As much as things change, they still stay the same”!
For eighteen years, I’ve spoken to elementary and high school students throughout the four western...