Secrets of Human-Capital Management & Boghossian’s Laws

David Ulrich’s research shows that being a paradox navigator is one of the most important competencies of an HR leader. It requires recognizing that...

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Hitting Pause: How to Keep #MeToo Conversations from Going South

We’ve all seen conversations about sexual harassment go south, and fast. One of the most important things we can do — if we want...

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Contributors to Workplace Conflict: Part One

By Paul Godin The first step in managing and dealing effectively with conflict in the workplace is to understand what is creating or contributing to...

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In Tough Conversations, Seek to Complete not Compete

At some point you will have to have a difficult conversation at work. There's just no way around it. Whether you're giving not-so-positive feedback...

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Conversational Intelligence: On the Thresholds of the Discomfort Zone

By Isabelle St-Jean We like to believe we have control of our emotions 100 per cent of the time, but this is rarely the case....

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Can We Talk? Four Tips for Delivering Bad News

Bad news is no fun to deliver. That’s why even distinguished leaders and otherwise successful people will go to great lengths to avoid doing...

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