Reframing (the Science of) Mindfulness for Skeptics

If words like “meditation” and “mindfulness” conjure up images of a yoga retreat or something that seems equally irrelevant to your professional life, this...

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A Return to Centre: Finding Focus and Results in Frantic Times

Can you recall the last time during the day you stopped, paused briefly, breathed and fully relaxed? If not, do so. Did you do this...

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Diversity and Mindfulness Go Hand-in-Hand

In recent years, the Canadian workforce has seen a rise in the share of immigrant workers from different parts of the world in various...

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Moving Mindfulness From the Individual to Organizational Level

The current thinking about mindfulness assumes that promoting mindfulness in organizations will have beneficial effects for those organizations, but while experience shows that mindfulness...

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How Psychologically Safe is Your Investigation Process?

Mindfulness and psychological safety go hand-in-hand. A psychologically safe workplace is one where individuals feel confident that their ideas and thoughts will be listened to...

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Connecting the Dots of Care, Culture and Commerce

Regardless what generation we were born into and identify with, the emergent mindset of the modern workplace is all about bringing our whole selves...

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Seven Tips to Grow Mindfulness at Work

Mindfulness is at the forefront of solutions recommended for our fast-moving and changing world. It has its own magazines, apps, books, and is frequently...

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5 Steps To Make Your Workplace More Friendly For Introverts

Relatively speaking, Introversion v/s extraversion essentially refers to one’s preference for managing energies – Basically it is about “how” you recharge your batteries. For clarity,...

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