Parents, Leaders and Patterns of Transformational Potential: Part 1

During my first year of university, I was very intrigued with the concept of a parenting license. This is the idea that people should...

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Untapped Talent (Looking In, Reaching Out)

HR professionals have been trained to identify specific needs in their organization’s workforce and find people to meet them. However, too narrow a focus...

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Hard Value of Soft Skills Required in AI Future

Between IBM’s Watson actually coaching conference attendees at last year’s Association for Talent Development conference and being able to hold a conversation with my...

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Empathy 101: Why are Soft-Skills so Hard?

By Isabelle St-Jean While neuroscience has had ripple effects across various fields of endeavour, one thing that has united them all is that we human...

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Infographic: The Rise of Soft Skills and Why They Matter Now

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Empathy Underrated? Soft Skills Offer Solid Value

By Isabelle St-Jean In contrast to the ongoing conversation about technological advancement, the topic of empathy is turning up everywhere these days—in best-selling books, in...

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Soft-Skills Futures Ahead: Five Ways to Help Employees Develop ‘AQ’

By Faith Tull As technology, culture and social norms are all changing rapidly, employers need talent that can combine technical know-how with general capabilities, or...

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Five Steps to Sustain Professional Development

By Russell Cullingworth What is the point of professional development? Employees spend an expensive day of valuable time in an often long and tedious PD session, following which...

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