Sheri Hamilton and Miranda Birkbeck Win Awards; CPHR BC & Yukon Recognizes Three Members With FCPHR Title

With a large faction of the HR community gathered in Vancouver last week, CPHR BC & Yukon handed out two professional awards and three...

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Cindy Dopson, CPHR, Shares Insights On ‘Creating Momentum’ at the HR Conference + Tradeshow 2019

It’s so easy to fall into the urgency of all the demands on us—to run from meeting, to report, to project—and have the hours...

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NAIT, Mount Royal, UBC and Camosun Students All Shine at HRC West Competition

On March 1 & 2, 2019, the next generation of HR leadership from across Western Canada converged on the Thompson Rivers University School of...

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The Bully, the Bullied and a Better Way

I’ve been reflecting on the behaviours of those in the workplace that are labelled “bullies.”  They are labelled this way by employees, as well...

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5 Practices to Boost Workplace Wellness Programs

We know that costs associated with employee health continue to rise regardless of the overwhelming evidence of the positive return on investment (ROI) from...

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Leading With Heart & Backbone: How Balanced Is Your Leadership?

Although seemingly opposite, heart and backbone are necessary counterparts for effective and meaningful leadership. When we lead with our heart, we leverage emotional connections to...

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When Labour Shortage Intersects With #METOO – Crisis or Opportunity? 

Recently, I was on a plane heading back to Vancouver after being in Northern B.C. – the land of Oil & Gas and Site...

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A Flashlight, Not a Hammer: How to Leverage HR Data

HR professionals have a complicated relationship with data. In an earlier article, I referenced my own experiences with HR data dating back 15 years. At...

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