How Do You Ensure Employees Feel Like They Belong?


In every issue of PeopleTalk magazine, we ask CPHR BC & Yukon members from all across B.C. and the Yukon a question and get them to give us a brief answer.

In the summer issue of the magazine we asked, how do you ensure employees feel like they “belong” to your organization and aren’t just punching the clock?

Here are the responses. 


Dr. Raeleen Manjak, CPHR, DM/OL, ?M?

Director, Human Resources

The Corporation of the City of Vernon

Vernon, B.C.

At the City of Vernon, we believe that a sense of belonging is inherent to transforming effectiveness in the workplace by making our work enjoyable, and ultimately creating a better work environment for all. We support this practice through fostering belonging and connection as noted in our Core Corporate Values. Our Values came directly from our employees and one of the values statements specifically focuses on “Fostering Genuine Connections.”

We believe that when a person feels included and accepted for being their most authentic self, where they are heard, seen, and recognized (we have a top-notch City of Vernon Recognition Program to assist with all types of recognition) for their contributions then we truly are building and nurturing our corporate culture. When our employees feel supported and appreciated, they are more likely to bring forward ideas that are collaborative, creative, and innovative and that is where the magic happens!


Cindy Ruan, CPHR Candidate 

People & Culture Generalist

SkyHive Technologies

Vancouver, B.C.

An organization’s culture and growth are made of its employees and within, the employees motivate each other every day. It is important to ensure employees’ voices are heard. Ask for their feedback, opinions, concerns, and/or suggestions and implement positive change; a change that is driven by the collective voices of your employees. When new employees join the organization, they come with a fresh eye of perspective and past experiences which allows organizations to continue to grow with continuous feedback, being adaptive, flexible, and nimble. Foster transparency, ensure good communication and teamwork, implement check-ins with employees, focus on employee career growth opportunities, provide psychological safety, and celebrate the wins.

As People & Culture professionals, we want to ensure we provide a positive employee engagement experience. If the pandemic has taught us one thing in the past two years, it’s to make sure we take care of our employees.



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