Courage is commonly thought of in the context of an incredible act of bravery, or overcoming extreme adversity or risk. In everyday life, we...
“Experience is a master teacher, even when it’s not our own.” ~ Gina Greenlee
Every three months, PeopleTalk asks CPHR BC & Yukon's members to share their...
HR professionals have a complicated relationship with data.
In an earlier article, I referenced my own experiences with HR data dating back 15 years. At...
When you're named one of Canada's most creative people, you find different, more innovative ways to do things.
So when we asked Ron Tite, keynote...
The longer we stay in a role, the higher the chances of our interests and values drifting away from the values of an organization.
There was a time when people were so happy to have a job that they put up with just about anything to take home...
Francesca Gino once said, "When we are curious, we view tough situations more creatively and have less defensive reactions to stress.”
Every year at our...
With the coming of the new year, the Government of Ontario’s Pay Transparency Act took effect on January 1, 2019. As the first legislation of...