Mindfulness is a Magnet for Recruitment & Retention

As HR professionals know, recruitment efforts have evolved exponentially in our fast changing world. Waiting for the hot resume to land on your desk...

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The Benefits of the CPHR Designation

HR professionals in Canada are most likely familiar with the Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR) designation. It is a nationally recognized level of...

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The Power of Play in the Workplace

When we were children, play was how we learned. We learned to invent and execute on ideas; we learned about teamwork and how to...

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Talent Wanted: It Pays to Play in the Workplace

Outside of sports fields, concert venues and the stage, “playing” for pay has not been included in the context of more traditional work spaces...

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How And Why Thought Leadership Is Crucial To Building Trust

As a concept, thought leadership essentially refers to those in business who form well-crafted opinions and represent a valuable source of advice with their...

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Recruiting and Retaining Talent in a Competitive Job Market

Canada has found itself in the midst of one of the toughest hiring markets in decades, with unemployment striking a 43-year low earlier this...

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A Failure to Communicate: E-tiquette Needs to Evolve

We live in a world where technology has evolved so much that the things that used to take hours can now done in mere...

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HRC West Competition: A Proving Ground for HR Students

Unreal things can happen in real-time. Case in point, case competitions can bring the professional experience to life well before the workplace experience itself...

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