Understanding Jobseeker Psychology in Salary Negotiations

“The candidate accepted our offer!” This is the good news we all want to hear in our roles as HR and hiring managers. However, with...

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Harnessing the Power of LinkedIn: A Must for HR Professionals

In the dynamic world of Human Resources, staying ahead of the curve isn't just recommended, it's essential. As we lean into using digital tools...

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Reconciliation In The Workplace

As Canadians, many of us see ourselves as funny, polite and overly apologetic. We have universal health care because we’re a caring people. Instead...

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How Is Your Organization Working Toward Reconciliation and Why Do You Feel These Are Important Steps?

In every issue of PeopleTalk magazine, we ask CPHR BC & Yukon members from all across B.C. and the Yukon a question and get...

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Taking the Business of People to Heart with New CPHR BC & Yukon Chair Naz Kullar

Naz Kullar, CPHR has thrived from her involvement with CPHR BC & Yukon since coming to Canada in 1991. Now, she is returning the...

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Chaos Isn’t a Bad Thing (and Eight Other Truths Leaders Need to Know)

Twenty-first century leaders are no strangers to chaos—and the last few years have underscored that truth. We ride nonstop waves of disruption and uncertainty...

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Embracing Generative AI: How HR Can Help Employees Harness Its Power

The new generative AIs (e.g., ChatGPT) can be perplexing due to their surprising capabilities. It's natural to react with extreme views, such as fearing...

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How to Build Employee Engagement Strategies That Actually Move the Needle

Employee engagement is one of the highest prioritized aspects of human resources today. While it wasn’t always so emphasized, now we have stacks of...

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